Working class American men have a lengthy history of looking to so-called
mail order brides to provide wives for rural areas, mining camps, soldiers, and factory laborers. Times have changed.
Even for the wealthiest American men, marrying a Russian or Brazilian woman with model beauty and professional education is rather easy. The Web has simplified the process of finding a bride who is younger, taller, prettier, smarter, sexier, and better-educated than you can charm at home.
The girl next door can now live anywhere in the world - from Moscow to Kiev to Manila.
While I consider this to be the golden era of email order brides - and not a way for nerdy or cruel men to exploit impoverished or compliant females - I believe the opening will be concluding inside 5 to 10 years.
Here's why:
1. Oil
Governments hide the ball when it comes to oil reserves, peak oil, and future prices for gasoline. We don't predict how high costs will go.
Electrical energy can be generated for your house or electric vehicle from photo voltaic, wind, or geothermal resources, but airplanes require gasoline. Lots of it.
Worldwide travel by passenger jet could become incredibly expensive and out of the grasp of a average man searching for a mail order bride.
2. International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBRA)
The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBRA) calls for background checks on American men looking to file immigrant or fiancee visa petitions for foreign women - if they initiated contact through a marriage agency.
Marriage agencies with over 50% U.S. clients are exempt from IMBRA.
An International Marriage Broker (IMB) is an entity - U.S. or foreign headquartered - that offers matchmaking or social referrals between U.S. citizens/permanent residents and foreign nationals for a fee.
Passed in the wake of the Anastasia King murder allegedly to protect foreign brides, all it does is prevent American men from petitioning the foreign fiancee of choice.
International Marriage Brokers are required to:
- search U.S. sex offender public registries for information on the American petitioner
- collect criminal and marital background information on the American client, including how prior marriages ended
- give this information to the foreign fiancee in her native language
- provide foreign fiancees with a government produced phamplet detailing her legal rights in the United States
- obtain the foreign client's written permission to give her personal information to the U.S. client
- limit of 2 fiance(e) visa petitions with at least 2 years between filings
All of these restrictions apply to IMB arranged matches, so there are many ways around the law.
Just don't think this will be the last piece of insane legislation to restrict liberty of American citizens.
Anastasia King is not the only woman to fall victim to an abusive and sinister spouse. If this is so vital for foreign fiancees, why not make a law that applies to all women?
American men are being vilified worldwide to satisfy a feminist agenda.
No disclosures protect American women from American men with criminal records. And there's that blasted Constitution (what's left of it).
Good intentions often create bad law. IMBRA is a poster child for pointless and useless regulations.
If the courts uphold same-sex marriage, expect spousal and fiance(e) petitions to be restricted further.
Find your Russian, Colombian, or Filipina mail order wife before it turns into an unfeasible ordeal.
3. American Men Are Still Valued Abroad
For many foreign women, American husbands are nevertheless considered a good catch and a desirable match. Go figure.
I'm not positive if I am flattered or frightened.
For whatever reason, many foreign women regard American men as better husband material.
After a couple of divorces, I have grow to be more jaded regarding marriage. As an alternative of falling into a relationship, why not hunt for exactly what you desire without local fix-ups or sorting through women in bars.
My suggestions:
For more youthful men, girls from Russia, the Ukraine, and the former Soviet Republics, are the sexiest and most beautiful females on the planet.
Go for it. Don't express regret or compromise. One will discover so many who are the precise age, well-educated, and whose looks blow you away.
Caveat - watch the age differences. For Russian women, 10 to 15 years younger will work fine. Larger age contrasts will feed your ego but might cause problems down the road.
For older or more conventional gentlemen, nothing beats the Philippines. Filipinas are the most devout, family oriented females I have ever lived among.
Age differences are less of an issue in the Philippines. As a rule, Filipinas stay married until the husband throws her out. While a Vice-Consul in Manila, I have approved visas for wives 50+ years younger than their American husbands.
For men who get retirement pensions or Social Security, I would think about living out my retirement in the Philippines with a young wife. Immigration goes both directions. A "fixed income" that barely covers living costs can supply a extremely secure standard of living in many countries.
Golden Age of Global Dating and eMail Order Brides:
For American men, you are nearing the end of the golden era for marriage and family.
The social stock of American males will never be higher.
You will never be able to attract a more desirable wife or mother for your children.
For the reasons mentioned, you will in no way be able to draw women of existing mail order bride quality ever again.
Before governments and busybodies once again interfere in the course of love, marriage, and family, grab your ideal mail order wife.
Dating, romance, and marriage have been altered forever.
You can start your hunt for the perfect bride at
Russian Mail Order Wife.
For a huge resource of U.S. and international dating sites, visit
DatingDirectoryOnline -
Charles Lamm is a former Vice-Consul in Seoul and Manila, retired immigration attorney, and writer now living in Florida.