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Saturday, November 12, 2011


Mark Sisson is now the primal guru.

Amplify’d from
A few months
back, I linked to an article
about a guy who experienced an unexpected benefit after Hurricane
Irene knocked out his power for several days: he started sleeping
much, much better. Instead of staying up late on the computer or
with the TV blaring and going to bed at the usual 11:30 or midnight,
he found himself yawning around 9 PM and getting to bed at 10. It
was the best sleep of his life, and even better – the effects
persisted even after the power returned. He had effectively entrained
his circadian rhythm
to the natural cycle of light and dark.
This is basic stuff to you guys, but bear with me.

Friday, November 11, 2011

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Sunday, November 6, 2011


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zombie wars

beyond the human tragedy -

Amplify’d from

Of course,
looking at the cost of killing people merely underlines the absurdity
of the whole enterprise. You might just as well say that a good
war is one where people don’t die. If that is true, the War
on Terror is almost perfect. Hardly anyone dies. Which is not surprising,
since there are hardly any terrorists. It is a war on nobody…with
the intention of not winning…over a long period of time…at
great expense. It is a zombie war, designed for the benefit of the
industry behind it, not for the people who pay the bills.

Al Qaeda spent
only about $500,000 in its attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon. If its goal was to bring the US to its knees, this
investment was probably the most rewarding in the history of military
conflict. In reaction to this tiny investment and the trivial risk
it represented, the US spent 10,000,000 times as much, the largest
mis-investment of valuable resources the world has ever seen.