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Monday, October 11, 2010

Lew Rockwell on the economy

Unlike Republicrats and Demicans, Lew does not just point out what's wrong but actually has ideas for positive change.

Amplify’d from

However, if
we take a longer-term look, we can see that these trends date back
decades, with the turning point the severing of the dollar's last
link to gold in 1971. This is the event that set up the explosion
of government growth, of credit addiction across the population,
of massive malinvestment in housing and many other sectors, of the
gutting of American savings, and, most seriously, of the loss of
freedom to the national security state.

However, if
we take a longer-term look, we can see that these trends date back
decades, with the turning point the severing of the dollar's last
link to gold in 1971. This is the event that set up the explosion
of government growth, of credit addiction across the population,
of massive malinvestment in housing and many other sectors, of the
gutting of American savings, and, most seriously, of the loss of
freedom to the national security state.

Long term,
our living standards have been eroded in fundamental ways that have
a profound cultural effect. The American family once lived well
on one income. Now, two incomes is the expected reality. That shift
took place following the great inflation of the late 1970s. Many
people saw this as the great news that the workplace was being opened
up to women. More likely it was not a sign of liberation, but of
a dramatic demographic adjustment required to maintain high living
standards. And the state didn't mind: it added millions to the tax
rolls. One wonders if "liberation" is really the right word to use
for this change.


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