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Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Truth About Mail Order Brides

Source: via Charles on Pinterest The Truth About Mail Order Brides"If you are really interested in understanding the truth about mail order brides check out the following articles which examine some of the common myths about international dating and look at the avai

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Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Transcript: The Great Fiscal Cliff of 2012-13, Part I — Money and Markets

Fiscal Cliff forecast #5: The Fed will ultimately unleash a new round of money printing, setting up some of the worst inflation in our history!

The Fed will use those printed dollars to supposedly “pay” America’s gargantuan debts. But it will be a de-facto default. And it will flood the world with those unbacked dollars.

As always, each newly printed dollar will reduce the buying power of every other dollar in circulation. So if history is any indication, we’ll be sentenced to years of skyrocketing inflation.

You will see a worldwide panic to buy gold, and there’s no limit to how high it will go when measured in devalued U.S. dollars. You will see a parallel panic to buy silver, also with no ceiling to how high it can go.

As a linchpin of my Writer-Publisher-Curator strategy, make your money as quickly as possible, live lean, and put the money in gold and silver now.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

The Great Fiscal Cliff of 2012-13: Martin D. Weiss interviews Charles Goyette

A growing list of authorities are now warning that one of the deadliest financial crises in U.S. history is set to level the U.S. economy beginning this coming New Year’s Day.

JP Morgan says that, barring a miracle in Washington, America will fall “head first into the fiscal meat grinder.”

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke agrees, saying that paralysis in Washington will cause America to plunge off the “fiscal cliff” on January 1, 2013.

And former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin warns that the impact of the fiscal cliff could be worse than the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis, which resulted in the worst recession since the Great Depression.

For this reason, I am advocating that all Writer-Publisher-Curator advocates to act fast.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Adventure Corner

[raw] Source: via Charles on Pinterest The Adventure Corner"The Adventure Corner is the official nature and adventure travel blog of Explorers' Corner. Our dispatches and posts reflect the adventurous spirit of our founder Olaf Malver.

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Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler