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Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
American Riots
First England. US next?
Read more at lewrockwell.comWhen
the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with
it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence
I expect in the other 3
areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all
other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused
with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is
no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity
and combination of these factors.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Does Muscle at Rest Burn More Calories
Who used my photo without permission?
Read more at www.marksdailyapple.comThe hallowed halls of the Academy of Broscience contain untold tomes of knowledge, wisdom, and recipes for “sick” pump stacks. Over the years, their scholars have elucidated the arcane esoterica of muscle confusion, thereby making it palatable for the layman. They discovered that any gram of carbohydrate eaten after dusk turns immediately to fat, and that curling in the squat rack engages more muscle fibers than curling elsewhere. Their field researchers are reportedly close to confirming the existence of spot reduction. But perhaps their greatest contribution to modern physical culture has been the establishment of the unassailable fact that muscle burns fifty times more calories than fat, at fifty calories per pound per day. (Even Dr. Oz says it, so it must be true.) As they have so painstakingly shown, adding twenty pounds of muscle increases your resting metabolic rate by 1000 calories. With that kind of leeway, you could eat a delicious twenty egg-white microwaved omelet with low-fat cheese and a side of plain oats and never worry about body fat accumulation!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Is a Mobile Friendly Website Essential for Your Corporation
Major shifts are taking place in the ways buyers, valued clientele, and patients access the Internet. If you are not generating a mobile friendly website to stay in communication, you are providing 16% of your business to your competition. And that's at this point, when only 1% of businesses have a mobile friendly form of their websites served up to their clientele's mobile devices.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Is a Mobile Friendly Website Required for Your Corporation
Latest tweet: Mobile Friendly Websites - Are Mobile Friendly Websites Totally Crucial for Your Business * |
Mobile Friendly Websites - Are Mobile Friendly Websites Totally Crucial for Your Business
Major shifts are taking place in the ways consumers, purchasers, and visitors access the Internet. If you are not generating a mobile friendly website to remain in communication, you are giving 16% of your business to your competition. And that's at this point, when only 1% of businesses have a mobile friendly version of their websites served up to their customer's mobile devices. -
Do we really want freedom?
Or security.
Read more at lewrockwell.comFor example:
Try and find a Republican who will support the elimination
of taxes on real estate – so that people can really own their
homes and land. Instead he will talk about “our children’s
future” and the importance of having “good schools”
– paid for with the liberty of home and land “owners”
who are in fact feudal serfs permitted temporary and conditional
use of the county’s property so long as the annual property
tax is paid. It is as hard to find a Republican who will say that
it is the responsibility of parents to provide for the education
of their children – not the parents’ neighbors
– as it is to find a purple Brontosaurus in Central Park. The
Republican conception of property rights – and thus,
of human rights – is as crippled from the get-go as
the left-liberal Democrat conception of them.