It used
to be that 98% of all news came out of two zip codes in Manhattan,
produced by a more or less homogenous group of people. Now, it
comes from everywhere. "Guys in pajamas" brought down
the mighty Dan Rather.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
News Democracty
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Home Solar Power Systems Made For Your Energy Needs | Burn Down the Freaking Mission
home solar power for the masses -
The Differences Between A Remortgage And A Mortgage. | Burn Down the Freaking Mission
more fodder for the mortgage mess -
Gonzalo Lira: The Second Leg Down of America’s Death Spiral
full ugly truth on the mortgage mess -
Mortgage Backed Securities
and why the mess will get worse before the government figures out how to screw the public -
So this is
what happened, more or less – the short version:
the crazed frenzy to get as many mortgages securitized during the
Oughts, banks took shortcuts with the paperwork necessary for the
Mortgage Backed Securities. The reason was because everyone in the
chain of this securitization mania got a little piece of the action
– a little slice of the MBS pie in the shape of commissions.
So in the name
of “improved efficiencies” (and how many horror stories
are we finding out, carried out in the name of “improved efficiencies”),
banks digitized the mortgage notes – they didn’t physically
endorse them, like they were supposed to by the various state and
Federal laws.
Plus –
once the wave of foreclosures broke, and the holes in this bureaucratic
paperwork became evident and relevant – some of the big law
firms handling the foreclosures for the banks started doing some
document fabrication and signature forgery, in order to cover up
the mistakes – which is definitely illegal.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
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All 50 states launch joint investigation into foreclosures -
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FCC takes on cellphone companies over 'bill shock' -
Occasionally the government has a good idea.
Living without Government
Has the time come to give up the nanny state?
It is time that we discovered the inner sense of what it means
to be a free and responsible individual. We are destroying ourselves
through processes by which we have allowed others to define both
reality and propriety for us. Like dogs, we have learned
to beg and roll over upon command from our masters, to slobber in
anticipation of some small morsel, and to carry our leashes in our
own mouths. None of this could have been accomplished without our
willingness to believe that we are inwardly incapable of defining
our own purposes in life or pursuing our own interests without the
supervision of others. It has been our lack of confidence in the
sufficiency of our inner being that permits such psychic self-flagellation.
Why do we persist in living irresponsibly, by allowing others to
form our judgments? Why do we fear our own minds, but insist on
believing the thinking of others?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
More From Doug Casey
I have always thought the way to destroy the system was for everyone from Bill Gates on down to apply for assistance.
I’m afraid
the current state of affairs is corrupt through and through. From
the top of the financial world in New York, to the top of the political
world in DC, right down to the average man on the street, 50% of
whom aren’t obligated to pay income taxes but feel entitled
to be net recipients of government largesse at the expense of others.
Even among those that have assets, there’s no feeling of shame
in gaming the system any way possible. There’s no longer any
onus to being one of the 40 million people on electronic food stamps,
or defaulting on one’s mortgage and continuing to live in the
house, and collecting indefinitely extended unemployment benefits.
Bankruptcy is just something you do when needed.
A Greater Depression
You would be wise to pay attention to Casey.`
going to happen is that the Americans’ earnings are going to
drop, while those of the Chinese are going to rise, meeting someplace
in the middle. Especially when the Chinese works harder, longer,
saves his money, and doesn’t burden his employer with all kinds
of legacy benefits, topped off with lawsuits. This is a new threat,
one that can’t be countered with B-2 bombers. It’s also
something as big and as inevitable as a glacier coming down a valley
during an Ice Age.
Monday, October 11, 2010
doug casey on the greater depression
A purely economic look at the Afghan war. And more.
The war is going badly. The American and NATO troops
don't understand the culture, the religion, and they don't speak
the language. The Afghan's don't want foreign soldiers in their
country any more than Americans and European's would want a bunch
of heavily-armed, angry young Muslim soldiers running around, breaking
down doors in the middle of the night. All that war will do is encourage
terrorism – which is just a military tactic. But it's a very
viable tactic for a poor society with lots of jobless young people
to use against rich ones. They spend a few thousand dollars to destroy
stuff – tanks, planes, buildings, infrastructure, and expensively
trained and equipped soldiers – worth many millions. In response
the Americans spend billions more to blow up a bunch of sand, and
kill jihadis who are replaced like the heads of a hydra. It is amazing
to me that Western governments are still over there trying to do
what they are doing. It's actually completely insane, and completely
counter-productive. Of course, from a historical point of view,
it's just a continuation of the Crusades, and the long war between
Islam and Christendom, that's been going on well over a thousand
years now.
Lew Rockwell on the economy
Unlike Republicrats and Demicans, Lew does not just point out what's wrong but actually has ideas for positive change.
However, if
we take a longer-term look, we can see that these trends date back
decades, with the turning point the severing of the dollar's last
link to gold in 1971. This is the event that set up the explosion
of government growth, of credit addiction across the population,
of massive malinvestment in housing and many other sectors, of the
gutting of American savings, and, most seriously, of the loss of
freedom to the national security state.
However, if
we take a longer-term look, we can see that these trends date back
decades, with the turning point the severing of the dollar's last
link to gold in 1971. This is the event that set up the explosion
of government growth, of credit addiction across the population,
of massive malinvestment in housing and many other sectors, of the
gutting of American savings, and, most seriously, of the loss of
freedom to the national security state.
Long term,
our living standards have been eroded in fundamental ways that have
a profound cultural effect. The American family once lived well
on one income. Now, two incomes is the expected reality. That shift
took place following the great inflation of the late 1970s. Many
people saw this as the great news that the workplace was being opened
up to women. More likely it was not a sign of liberation, but of
a dramatic demographic adjustment required to maintain high living
standards. And the state didn't mind: it added millions to the tax
rolls. One wonders if "liberation" is really the right word to use
for this change.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Easiest Way To Make Money Online
pretty slick - testing to see how it works: