Source: via Charles on Pinterest Expats in Singapore arm children for Chinese century"Singapore has the best education in the world, the best healthcare, the best everything. I think that the best gift that I can give two children born in 2003 and 2008 is to know Asia and
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Saturday, September 1, 2012
Expat Taxation
For Obama and Romney, a To-Do List for Travelers -
No. 4 — Bilateral Visa Initiatives.
The candidates may know Brazil, Russia, India and China as the BRIC countries, fast-developing economies with promising markets. Travelers know them as destinations that charge United States citizens more than others for the required tourist visa. (Other countries, like Bolivia and Tanzania, do too.)These countries defend the differential by noting the high prices we charge their citizens to visit the United States; they call their policy “reciprocity,” the diplomatic term for revenge.
It’s not an altogether bad argument. The presidential candidates should propose to reduce the cost of an American travel visa, a move that would be an overall winner: those countries would end their reciprocity pricing, and we’d get an increased flow of free-spending foreigners to stimulate our economy.
The counterargument, I imagine, is that the State Department fees go to application-screening costs necessary to weed out those who might overstay their visas and become illegal immigrants.
But since this is an American presidential campaign, reasonable objections raised by our opponents are irrelevant. So forget I mentioned it.
The U.S. does not charge anything for a B-2 tourist visa unless the other country charges U.S. citizens -
The 'Large Purpose' of Romney-Ryan by Patrick J. Buchanan
The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan was called to power in 1980 to restore America's prosperity and military might and halt her stumbling retreat in the Cold War. He succeeded and was rewarded with a 49-state landslide in 1984.
Should Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan prevail, what would be the "large and definite purpose" for which they and their party had been called to power? Answer: Put America's fiscal house in order and restore the prosperity the nation knew before the Great Recession.
Yet the only path consistent with party principle to achieve this goal is by imposing real pain upon an electorate that is less likely to reward Romney-Ryan with a 49-state landslide in 2016 than punish their party with a massacre of Republicans in 2014.
Politics will not save us.
Love Not Scammers
View more videos at: Looking for Love, Not Scammers On Dating Websites Source: Looking for Love, Not Scammers On Dating Websites | NBC 7 San Diego Scammers will always be with u
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More Google Beatdowns
Google is even smarter than I thought. And that says a lot. You already have to play by Google rules if you are a player in the Writer-Publisher-Curator world. According to Matt Cutt, a Google honcho, the next algorithm update some call Penguin 2.0, will the "jarring and jolting" for webmaste
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The US Loses Another Policeman in Africa by Eric Margolis
Iran plays a key role in India’s plans to expand its influence over Afghanistan and Central Asia. India is building a new, strategic rail line linking the Iranian port of Chahbahar to western Afghanistan. Iran supplies over 11% of India’s fast-growing demand for energy. Delhi increasingly worries about the security of its Mideast energy imports.
We forget we are not the only player in the world.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Conduit to Authority
I'm going to sound the alarm for individual WPCs (Writer-Publisher-Curator). It's time to: work hard work fast work now Set up your online business and get started on your authority website before the 2012 Presidential Election. If you can. But I get ahead of myself. *if you are reading
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Consider a 2nd Passport
[raw] Source: via Charles on Pinterest 6 Reasons to Consider a 2nd Passport - "If you do decide to officially renounce your primary citizenship, you will need to have established a second citizenship before you do so. To renounce without a new home will make y
Revisiting the Future by Jeff Thomas
2. The Greater Depression
Once people have acknowledged a change of direction, it is easier for them to accept that the trend may become more extreme than it is at present. Correspondingly, after the 2007/2008 crashes, most people were now willing to accept that a recession was underway. However, very few were willing to accept the dreaded "D" word. The term "Greater Depression" was coined by Doug Casey of Casey Research early in the game and is, to my mind, the most accurate two-word description of the economic period that we are now experiencing.
However, as I have stated, the "D" word is so repugnant to most people that, regardless of the indications that we are, indeed, experiencing a depression, most people simply cannot face the term as a reality. They prefer any number of euphemistic terms, such as "double dip recession," in order to avoid accepting the unthinkable.
This is human nature. It seems that, whilst a small number of us would prefer to face the music right from the outset and begin a plan to deal with it, the great majority will accept the details of what is occurring, whilst rejecting the overall reality.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Notes 8-30-2012
Source: via Charles on Pinterest US gov’t: failure to disclose foreign account is worse than possession of child porn "You see, Mr. Wajsfelner was finally caught and convicted of a most heinous crime: failing to disclose his foreign bank account to the US gover
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Death of SEO - Again
Google and Google Now are out to kill SEO. I believe this is a "Minority Report" moment and the red ball is rolling out of the machine. It will happen. Why? Fear and money. Fear: More and more people are reaching websites via links in social media like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn - wit
Observations About Walking Marriages
In one small area of China, there is a tradition known as "walking marriages": "The Mosuo culture is frequently described as matriarchal.[1] The Mosuo themselves often use this description which they believe increases interest in their culture and thus attracts tourism. The term matrili
see our dating directory -
Dating Chinese Women
Our favorite sites for Chinese women: Asian Beauties - Single Asian Women One will find a variety of Asian Beauties values, as varied as the different countries of Asia that spawn Asian Beauties. Asian Beauties values are different between nationalities and ethnic groups within Asia. P
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Dating Chinese Women
Our favorite sites for Chinese women: Asian Beauties - Single Asian Women One will find a variety of Asian Beauties values, as varied as the different countries of Asia that spawn Asian Beauties. Asian Beauties values are different between nationalities and ethnic groups within Asia. P
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Zen of The Tao of Badass « Points of Hype
The Zen of The Tao of Badass
Just what is the Tao of Badass everything about? It’s a set of video recordings created to improve you into a naturally powerful, positive, and wanted guy.Some random guidelines:
1. Construct propinquity – nearness, physical and mental vicinity.
2. Men feel like wussies if they don’t approach attractive women, but it may the incorrect approach. If you lead with this method, you will not succeed 99 % of the time.
3. Exactly what women do not desire (even though you’ve been told otherwise): moey, big muscles, full head of hair, great appearance
4. How do females recognize that other ladies are drawn to you just by looking? They do not.
5. Learn 10 ways to understand if a lady is brought in to you despite what she says.
6.Tao of Badass is a 4 action procedure that is out of her control. You had to learn and understand a full set of sexual triggers most guys will ever understand.
7. Ninja trick to make a lady fall in love with you and keep her from ever cheating. Also know if she’s moving you to the “buddy zone” and how to reverse it. Ways to read a female’s eye motions to inform if she’s lying.
There are loads of tight videos showing you the rules of the game. If they do not work for you, you have 60 days to get a refund.
To discover more on the subject of The Tao of Badass, see my Observations About The Tao of Badass – or go straight to Joshua’s video:
Tags: the tao of badass,tao of badass,tao of badass reviews
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Monday, August 27, 2012
Shhhh…It’s Even Worse Than the Great Depression by Mark McHugh
Velocity of money is the frequency with which a unit of money is spent on new goods and services. It is a far better indicator of economic activity than GDP, consumer prices, the stock market, or sales of men’s underwear (which Greenspan was fond of ogling). In a healthy economy, the same dollar is collected as payment and subsequently spent many times over. In a depression, the velocity of money goes catatonic. Velocity of money is calculated by simply dividing GDP by a given money supply. This VoM chart using monetary base should end any discussion of what ”this” is and whether or not anybody should be using the word “recovery” with a straight face:
In just four short years, our “enlightened” policy-makers have slowed money velocity to depths never seen in the Great Depression. Hard to believe, but the guy who made a career out of Monday-morning quarterbacking the Great Depression has already proven himself a bigger idiot than all of his predecessors (and in less than half the time!!). During the Great Depression, monetary base was expanded in response to slowing economic activity, in other words it was reactive (here’s a graph) . They waited until the forest was ablaze before breaking out the hoses, and for that they’ve been rightly criticized. Our “proactive” Fed elected to hose down a forest that wasn’t actually on fire, with gasoline, and the results speak for themselves. With the IMF recently lowering its 2012 US GDP growth forecast to 2%, while the monetary base is expanding at about a 5% clip, know that velocity of money is grinding lower every time you breathe.
Interesting stuff.
Ron Paul and the Future by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
A long-forgotten political thinker, Etienne de la Boetie, wondered why people would ever tolerate an oppressive regime. After all, the people who are governed vastly outnumber the small minority doing the governing. So the people governed could put a stop to it all if only they had the will to do so. And yet they rarely do.
De la Boetie concluded that the only way any regime could survive was if the public consented to it. That consent could range all the way from enthusiastic support to stoic resignation. But if that consent were ever to vanish, a regime’s days would be numbered.
Ron Paul is our modern political prophet -
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Whose Interests Will the Fed Always Protect? by Gary North
The problem today is this: governments have made political promises that simply cannot be fulfilled. There is insufficient wealth to confiscate from taxpayers. So, the governments will inevitably face default.
Whose Interests Will the Fed Always Protect? by Gary North
Some predictions are easy. Here is mine: "The government of the United States will default on the vast bulk of its debts, which are mainly debts of Medicare, and to a far lesser extent, Social Security and the federal pension system.
For this reason, you must create your anytime, anywhere income and authority website now.
Ruby Ridge and the Age of State Terrorism by William Norman Grigg
Sara Weaver has forgiven the people responsible for murdering her mother Vicki and younger brother Samuel twenty years ago. Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who shot Vicki in the head while she was holding a ten-month-old infant, is still being sheltered by the Regime that employed him. If he were any part of a man, Horiuchi would make a pilgrimage to Sara’s home in Montana to express remorse for the crimes he committed against her family.
Still never explained how people were not held accountable -