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Friday, December 30, 2011

I Hereby Secede by Roger Young

I Hereby Secede

by Roger Young

Previously by Roger Young: Sgt. Thomas Is a Hypocrite


Secession is a topic that seems to increasingly pop up in conversation, discussion, and written opinion. I believe that more people every day are seeing state secession as a viable and even necessary action to counteract increasing personal oppression, stolen liberties, and monetary incompetence and thievery by the United States Government. According to the Declaration of Independence, when such conditions become intolerable for the people, "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

But why wait for your state to secede? In the meantime, why not make a personal declaration of secession? Below is my idea of what a personal declaration would look like. I encourage others to make this same declaration and add or subtract any statements you deem relevant. Or write your own. Make copies and distribute to friends and relatives, encouraging them to do likewise. By all means, send copies to your Congress critters and other ruling tyrants. Convey the message that you no longer willingly submit to their arbitrary rules, and the theft and violence committed against you personally and against others in your name.

Some will dismiss such a declaration as merely symbolic, lacking any legitimate authority. By how does it contain any less authority than a state and constitution created by others a couple centuries before you were born? Here is my declaration:

I, Roger Young, a sovereign, free-born individual, and a child of God/Nature, do hereby declare my personal secession from the political entity known as the "United States of America." Though reason tells me that this entity has no inherent legitimacy toward ruling my life (as this arrangement was not created by me, nor obtained my consent), I find it necessary to declare such a separation.

By this act of secession, I hereby withdraw any present and future consent toward being ruled by this authoritarian organization. Any laws, edicts, regulations, executive orders, or demands issued by this organization will be ignored as so much verbal static emanating from tyrants lacking any legitimate authority.

By this act of secession, I declare I will no longer consent to being described as a willing citizen or subject, collectively enslaved under the rule of the "United States Government," nor its permanently ensconced ruling class. I hereby refuse to be labeled a participant of, nor a collaborator with, the criminal actions executed by those individuals declaring to be representatives, employees, or agents of the "United States Government." Such actions include waging war and stealing the property and wealth of other individuals. Any such actions declared to "be in my name" or "for my benefit or protection" will be considered blatantly fraudulent. I will hereby consider myself only as a sovereign individual residing on the North American continent, responsible only for the actions I commit as an individual.

By this act of secession, I will no longer be a party to the collectivist "we" used to describe those residing within the geographical boundaries claimed by some as the "United States of America." I will no longer be subject to the responsibilities, agreements, debts, or liabilities, claimed by that institution and "shared" by its subjects

By this act of secession, I will no longer consider my body subject to the rules and regulations of that entity known as the "United States Government." Any attempt to restrict my consumption of any food or drug will be branded as illegitimate and ignored Any attempt to actively apply such restrictions by this entity will be considered an act of violence and dealt with accordingly in a peaceful, though effective and persuasive, manner.

By this act of secession, I will no longer consider my physical, property (tangible or intangible) subject to any "laws" or regulations put forth by the entity known as the "United States Government." Any taking or taxing of such property will be considered theft and will be dealt with accordingly in a peaceful, though effective and persuasive, manner.

By this act of secession, I will no longer deem any restrictions, regulations, or limits on the use of my labor as legitimate, nor the taking or taxing of the fruits of such activity. The interference in the voluntary, contractual associations and agreements that involve my personal labor will not be tolerated. Such agreements and contracts will be considered sacrosanct and immune to the dictates and interventions from that entity known as the "United States Government."

By this act of secession, I will no longer maintain any allegiance or loyalty to the political abstraction named "The United States of America." I will not recognize its "boundaries" as legitimate nor use their existence as a regulator or hindrance toward interacting with those individuals who reside outside said "boundaries." I will also declare no aggressive intentions toward destruction or take-over of this entity. I will also by this act declare no immediate allegiance or loyalty to any other present or future political abstraction.

By this act of secession, I hereby declare absolutely no reverence or respect for that political entity known as the "United States of America" nor its self-declared ruling body known as the "United States Government." I will from this time forward view both with suspicion and as dangerous predators, preying on the lives, fortunes, and liberties of free individuals.

By this act of secession, I will not automatically obey any illegitimate "laws" or orders, not previously mentioned, put forth by that entity known as the "United States Government." Any perceived obedience by me will be the result of carefully calculated submission to an entity exhibiting superior firepower.

Any state agents sent forth by the "United States Government" to contact me will be dealt the equivalent respect and kindness that is shown toward me by such agents. Any perceived obedience by me will be the result of carefully calculated submission to an entity and its agents exhibiting superior firepower.

By this act of secession, I will not tolerate, as a free-living, free-thinking, peaceful individual, any violent, unjustified attacks on other such individuals and private organizations or their property by this entity known as the "United States Government." I will utilize all available time, talents, and resources available to me to expose and ridicule those agents of the "United States Government" that initiate such attacks. I will also help and support any active, peaceful countermeasures to help prevent or overturn any such violent, aggressive actions against sovereign lives and property.

By this act of secession, I will no longer listen to any speeches, comments, or information communicated by that entity known as the "United States Government." All such information will be instantly declared not credible and subject to verification and confirmation by reliable, non-state sources. Any verbal or written communication emanating from this entity will automatically be considered a lie until proven otherwise.

By this act of secession I remain open to the idea of being ruled by similar such entities, but such an action will occur only with unequivocal consent by me and legitimized by mutual contractual agreement.

By this act of secession, I do not make the arrogant assumption of speaking for other sovereign, free-born individuals. This declaration is relevant only to me and not to any other sovereign individuals known personally to me or related by birth. However, I encourage other like minded individuals to do the same. I encourage and even implore them to stand up for their lives, liberties and property. I passionately advise they throw off the yoke of bondage that inhibits, strangles, and even kills them, destroys and steals their wealth and property, and poisons the futures of all who seek to live unchained. No shedding of blood or violent extremism is necessary. Just take the time to officially declare withdrawal of your consent.

"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed."

December 30, 2011

Roger Young [send him mail] is a freelance photographer in US-occupied Texas and has a blog.

Copyright © 2011 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

individual anarchism

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


For some reason, Amplify has not been posting to posterous for 4 days.

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Friday, December 23, 2011

asset protection

asset protection

Amplify’d from
By keeping
all your assets in the country where you live, you commit, ahead
of time, to ratify whatever policy your home government might adopt,
no matter how objectionable, unreasonable or pernicious that policy
happens to be. If the next new mandate is "Register today to
get a nail pounded into your head," you're already signed up.

romantic text messages

introducing a new tk domain - main site

romantic text messages

introducing a new tk domain - main site

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gerald Celente - Trends 2012

Gerald Celente - Trends 2012

Amplify’d from

8. Safe
As the signs of imminent economic and social collapse
become more pronounced, legions of New Millennium survivalists are,
or will be, thinking about looking for methods and ways to escape
the resulting turmoil. Those “on-trend” have already taken
measure to implement Gerald Celente’s 3 G’s: Gold, Guns
and a Getaway plan. Where to go? What to do? Top Trends 2012
will guide the way.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Quick Review - Romance Text

Quick Review - Romance Text

trb on multiply

Clear-cut texts are provided to help you text the romance back.

Posted via email from Points of Hype

trb on multiply

Clear-cut texts are provided to help you text the romance back.



Economic Statistics

some US financial numbers -

Economic Statistics

Foreign Driver's License

Foreign Driver's License

Amplify’d from

You can drive
in any state with a valid drivers license from any other state.
You can also drive with a valid
drivers license from any other country
. (Check Out California
Vehicle Code Section 12502 (a)(1))
. International drivers license
certificates are not required and are really only suggested if your
drivers license is from an obscure country. The other great thing
about foreign drivers licenses is that you don’t have to reveal
any information to the US government to get it. You might be able
to find another country that requires less information, or stores
less of it in vast electronic databases.

Drivers Licenses Are Legal




updated dating directory




Ragging on China

Expect this to be a major topic in the next election. Stupid. Fix our own house.

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Ragging on China

Expect this to be a major topic in the next election. Stupid. Fix our own house.

Amplify’d from

and Democrats, liberals as well as conservatives, have bought into
anti-Chinese trade demagoguery. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
suggested that tariffs against China are a "key part of our 'Make
It in America' agenda." During his 2010 campaign, Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called his tea party-backed Republican
challenger, Sharron Angle, "a foreign worker's best friend." In
a recent news conference, President Barack Obama gave his support
to the anti-China campaign, declaring that China "has been very
aggressive in gaming the trading system to its advantage," adding
that "we can and should take action against countries that are keeping
their currencies undervalued ... (and) that, above all, means China."


Monday, December 19, 2011

The State of Oblivion

The State of Oblivion

Amplify’d from
Every once
in a while I’m asked what my friends and family
think of our focus on preparedness. My response is that I usually
don’t talk about it with anybody. At first I did, wanting to
be helpful, but after a while, I grew tired of feeling defensive
about something that, to us, is just a rational thing to do. One
relative told me that God wouldn’t bless and protect my family
because we weren’t relying on Him. Others have looked at me
long and hard and then quickly changed the subject. A few have taken
my husband aside and asked, “Why is Lisa DOING this??”
It seems that the State of Oblivion is alive and well with an ever-growing

Jesse Ventura on FEMA - DHS

when the authorities start cracking heads, be somewhere else

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Jesse Ventura on FEMA - DHS

when the authorities start cracking heads, be somewhere else

Sunday, December 18, 2011

rekindle your relationship

Precise texts are available to help you text the romance back. romantic text message,romance text,romantic love text,text the romance back

Posted via email from Points of Hype

rekindle your relationship

Precise texts are available to help you text the romance back. romantic text message,romance text,romantic love text,text the romance back

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

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Text the Romance Back Quick Review

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Posted via email from Points of Hype

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

romantic text message,romance text,rekindle your relationship,romantic love text,text the romance back

Mitt and Karl

Is Mitt Romney being advised by Karl Rove?

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Mitt and Karl

Is Mitt Romney being advised by Karl Rove?

Love Romantic SMS Messages on blog dot com

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Posted via email from Points of Hype

Love Romantic SMS Messages on blog dot com

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TXT Romance on weebly

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Posted via email from Points of Hype

TXT Romance on weebly

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Posted via email from Points of Hype

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Posted via email from Points of Hype

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Posted via email from Points of Hype

txtromance on livejournal

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new wp blog

new wp blog

text the romance back

Romantic SMS Text Messages

Romantic SMS Text Messages

txtromance on

Exact text messages are available to help you text the romance back

Posted via email from Points of Hype

txtromance on

Exact text messages are available to help you text the romance back

romantic messages

romantic messages

new blog on xanga

Mackay MBA

the greatest confidence builder is the ability to do something well

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Mackay MBA

the greatest confidence builder is the ability to do something well

Saturday, December 17, 2011

romantic text sms

romantic text sms

Love in the age of SMS

War on Drugs

The private prison industry thrives off long sentences for drug offenders. At least 25% of their profits come from these nonviolent criminals. -

Posted via email from Points of Hype

War on Drugs

The private prison industry thrives off long sentences for drug offenders. At least 25% of their profits come from these nonviolent criminals. -

Wierd DHS Video

Terrorist, or cheating husband?

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Wierd DHS Video

Terrorist, or cheating husband?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



get over the low salt nonsense -

In my book, I wrote about the dangers of a low-salt diet. Salt is a vitally important nutrient for the human body. We cannot live without adequate amounts of salt. Don’t believe the low-salt nonsense. However, you should educate yourself about which type of salt is a healthy salt.

The healthiest salt is unrefined salt with its full complement of minerals. Celtic Brand Sea Salt, Redmond’s Real Salt and Himalayan salt are all good brands of unrefined salt.

Monday, December 12, 2011

TXT Romance

TXT Romance

text the romance back

Romantic SMS Text Messages

Text the Romance Back Brief Review - Romantic SMS Text Messages -

It does not matter if you are single, dating, in a relationship or married. You can light a spark with a well thought out text message. To be successful with this technique, it is crucial to have an understanding of the male mind. Men are visual. You have to be able to draw pictures to make him drawn to you.

Think about what motivated your guy at the time you first met. There was exhilaration.  There was adventure. He couldn't get enough of you. But after people get to know each other, they forget how to create attraction in their relationships.

You have got to recognize how to push his romantic buttons. Men are motivated differently than women. Telling him you miss him will not get him to pay attention. Paint a picture in his mind and generate the mood, and you can see him stand up and pay attention.

Make sure you appear mysterious. Without mystery, his brain will have no space to explore you. You want him to think about you, but you don't want him to know everything at once. Create interest. Leave him wanting more.

To get a man devoted to you, you create positive triggers to positive things you have shared. This builds an emotional connection. This is why texting works so well. Your ring tone, your name on his cell phone, become emotional triggers to him. Triggers of lust, and warm, fuzzy feelings. When we have addictions in our lives, we think about them often. This is what you have to do with your text messages. Get him fantasizing about you.

Clear-cut texts are provided to help you text the romance back. -

Tags: romantic sayings,romance text,romantic text message

Google Chromebook –

Google Chromebook –

Windows is in Trouble

Sunday, December 11, 2011



TRB on Multiply

TRB on Multiply

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

Text the Romance Back Quick Review



Text the Romance Back

Text the Romance Back

tbr on blogger

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

Posted via email from Points of Hype

tbr on blogger

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

Love in the age of SMS

Text the Romance Back,sms dating,sexting

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Love in the age of SMS

Text the Romance Back,sms dating,sexting

Friday, December 9, 2011

Free Online Dating Services - Totally Free Online Dating Services -


Free Online Dating Services - Totally Free Online Dating Services -

Posted via email from Points of Hype


Amplify’d from

We all have
family and friends who are not really into prepping, or who mean
to but don’t get around to it. Since we’re giving gifts
anyway, might as well give them something to help them prepare for
an emergency. Here are a few ideas for various budgets:



considering being an ex-pat?

considering being an ex-pat?

Amplify’d from

Millions of
American citizens have already left the United States in search
of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our
society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about
it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly.
The reality is that there are a vast array of social, cultural,
economic and safety issues to be considered. If you have never traveled
outside of North America, then you have no idea how incredibly different
life in other parts of the world can be. For those that are unfamiliar
with international travel, it can be quite a shock to suddenly be
immersed in a foreign culture. In fact, no matter how experienced
you are, choosing to relocate to a new country is never easy. But
things have gone downhill so dramatically in the United States that
picking up and moving to a foreign nation is being increasingly
viewed as a viable alternative by millions of Americans. A lot of
people have decided that they simply do not want to be in the United
States when the excrement hits the fan. So what is the best country
in the world for Americans to relocate to in order to avoid the
coming economic collapse?




dating directory updated

Metrodate Quick Review

Totally Free Dating Site - great free site

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Metrodate Quick Review

Totally Free Dating Site - great free site

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Increasing Ex-Pats from the US

Increasing Ex-Pats from the US

Amplify’d from
Jim Willie – Hat Trick Letter

I had many reasons for leaving the USA and moving overseas. One
of the big reasons was, because of traveling outside of the USA
a lot in university days, I began to realize that the story (brainwashing)
about the USA being the "Greatest Country on Earth" (that we were
all taught in school) wasn't exactly true. 


Survival Affiliate Marketing

Survival Affiliate Marketing

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Future

Our Future

Amplify’d from
another subject, I just had a lengthy conversation with my son Ryan.
Ryan is building a self-sustaining farm on 40 acres, two hours north
of San Francisco. He and his friends have built a large house, that
is comfortable enough to withstand the toughest winters. Ryan has
a well that provides his own water, and he also generates his own
electricity. I call him the last American pioneer.
He is growing a huge crop of vegetables and has planted all sorts
of fruit trees. His next step will be chickens and perhaps a few

told him he's in the right business for the future, which is a survival
business. The stock market is just beginning to hint of the hard
times that I see ahead. The almost insane world of debt is rolling
close to the cliff and I see increasingly hard times ahead. Crumbling
debt will act like a cement roller, crushing everything in its path.
The occasional rebound or bounces on the lows will be sudden and
short lived. As of now, both the Dow and the S&P are down for
the year. I call this Stage One. Stage Two will occur if the Dow
sinks into the 10,000 area. Stage Two Point Five will occur if the
Dow starts trading below 10,000. I think if the Dow trades under
10,000, consumer sentiment will change from hope to fear and anxiety.


May December Romances Overseas

May December Romances Overseas

TRB on GoArticles

Text the Romance Back - Relationships and Romance

Posted via email from Points of Hype

TRB on GoArticles

Text the Romance Back - Relationships and Romance

Sunday, November 27, 2011

TRB on Wordpress

romantic text message,romance text,rekindle your relationship,romantic love text,text the romance back

Text the Romance Back on TypePad

Romance Messages

Why Men Aren’t Romantic

Powerful Text Messages -

Text the Romance Back

Text the Romance Back - -

Son of Newt

Friday, November 25, 2011


Amplify’d from

Living the
vanishing middle class American dream in ticky-tacky
little boxes
is an illusion of security. You don't need any
of that stuff to be happy. Actually, it can make you unhappy, because
it starts to own you, more than you own it. You get involved in
the "rat race," and before you know it you're old, tired,
and relying on Social Security or the kindness of others. Grubbing
for roots and berries is only fun – at least once you've reached
a certain age – when you don't really have to do it.


China Woes

world is interconnected -

Amplify’d from
Long known
as a China Bull, Rogers turned pessimistic about China's economic
future in light of the on-going economic malaise in the U.S. and
Europe. "I don't see a resumption of the bull market in many
places in the world until we have the next economic problems in
the US, which will be fairly soon," says Rogers.

More on Text/SMS Dating

Texting Recommendations for Restoring Romance -

trb - livejournal

Text the Romance Back - Love SMS Romance

Text the Romance Back on Slashdot

Texting Secrets for Refreshing Relationships -

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Amplify’d from
, CEO of General Motors: "The ’08 recession, which was
a credit bubble that manifested itself through primarily the real
estate market, that was a serious stress....This is much more serious."
Jim Rogers: "In 2002
it was bad, in 2008 it was worse and 2012 or 2013 is going to be
worse still – be careful"